The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78236   Message #1403619
Posted By: GUEST
09-Feb-05 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Feds' National ID Steamrolling States
Subject: RE: BS: Feds' National ID Steamrolling States
Not only are the feds creating a national ID card; in Section 202(b)(6)
they are introducing nationwide mandatory residential address

These developments do not bode will for our country. Residential
address registries are used by many governments to restrict and control
where people can live and travel. In many countries, the police can
stop anyone without cause and demand their papers. (Mandatory
residential registration, combined with the requirement to carry one's
ID -- "papers" back then -- is what enabled the Nazis to round up Jews
and others so efficiently.)

Such practices as residential registrations and "papers", so I thought,
are totally at odds with everything America stands for. That appears to
be changing now. The Supreme Court has recently ruled (in the Hiibel
case) that the police can demand ID for no reason. And now this.

Mandatory verification of residential addresses will do absolutely
nothing to increase security:   The law will be evaded by those who
desire to do so, and in any event there is nothing (as yet) to stop a
person from moving to a different address the day after the license is
issued. The requirement is just more mindless collection of data, one
more mindless invasion of privacy, and one more way that this
administration is reducing "freedom" to an Orwellian slogan.