The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77187   Message #1403882
Posted By: Peace
09-Feb-05 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Subject: RE: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?

"Ulster Nine-county province of ancient Ireland. However, the term is now commonly used by Unionists to refer to the six counties in Northern Ireland
Ulster Defense Association (UDA) Founded in September 1971, the major Loyalist paramilitary group, now outlawed
Ulster Defense Force (UDF) Loyalist paramilitary training group created in 1986 by UDA
Ulster Democratic Party (UDA) Founded in 1988 as ULDP (changed name in 1989), led by Gary McMichael. Links with UDA
Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) Loyalist paramilitary group
Ulster Loyalist Democratic Party (UDLP) Former name of UDP. First formed by John McMichael of the UDA in 1981. Re-established in 1988
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) Largest Unionist party, led by David Trimble, also known as the Official Unionist Party
Ulster Volunteer Force (UFV) Originally formed in 1912 to oppose Home Rule, re-established in 1966 and is now a banned Loyalist paramilitary group
Ulster Workers' Council (UWC) Loyalist organization founded to generate wide-scale strike action and civil disobedience in protest against the Sunningdale"

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