The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #438   Message #1404
Posted By: belter
17-Jan-97 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor
Subject: Lyr Add: MAKE ME A PALLET ON YOUR FLOOR (Watson)
The one Doc Watson does goes something like this:

Honey, make me down a pallet on your floor. (2x)
Honey, make it down. Make it soft and low;
Then maybe my good gal she won't know.

I'm goin' up the country through the sleet and snow. (3x)
Ain't no tellin' just how far I'll go.

I get my breakfast here and my dinner in Tennessee. (3x)
I told you I's a-comin' so you better look for me.

Honey, I can't lay down cross your bed.
No, I can't lay down cross your bed.
No, you know I can't lay down cross your pretty bed
'Cause my good gal she might kill me dead.

And don't you let my good gal catch you here. (2x)
She might shoot you cut and stab you too.
Ain't no tellin' what all she might do.

(Repeat first verse)

The way I been a-sleepin' my back and shoulder's tired (3x)
Think I'm gonna roll over, try sleepin' on my side.

(Repeat first verse)

I doubt that he ever does it quite the same way twice though.