The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26941   Message #1404137
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
10-Feb-05 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Ballads & Songs of Tradition:Folk Legacy
Subject: RE: Ballads & Songs of Tradition:Folk Legacy
I agree with you all. It's a wonderful compilation from one of the people I admire most in this folk scene we're in. Besides that, Sandy and Caroline are two great friends. The amazing work they've done trying to hold onto the real thing is what drew me to Sandy in the first place at a hoot at the old Gate Of Horn folk club in Chicago 46 years ago. Also when he held forth at Kroch & Brentanos book store on Wabash Ave. in that good town. That gig o' his, where he introduced so many Chicagoans to the depth of folk music, only lasted a short while because Lee Haggerty came into that shop, Sandy and Lee became partners in crime, and the next thing I knew is that something called Folk Legacy Records was born in Vermont.

Lee Monroe Presnell, Dave Thompson, Frank Proffitt---all of them and others on this CD---became important examples of how the real roots folksingers -- the informants -- could and did prove to be important parts of the musical and inspirational lives of city folk like me and my friends. We wanted very badly to learn the songs and picking styles of so many that Sandy and Caroline found and recorded and put out there on Folk Legacy Records. It was thrilling to become friends with many of these inspiring people.----------- And the fine group of ballads found on this CD as sung by these people is a great way to show younger folks how much actual information about other times, places, and people can be gleaned from the ballads---the story songs---where each verse is like a chapter in a novel (or a scene on a DVD).

Just one guy's opinion!!

Art Thieme