The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #140439
Posted By: margaret
24-Nov-99 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
Sandy, we're in Croton-on-Hudson, and the museum is called Van Cortlandt Manor. We celebrate the Christmas holiday in the manor house itself where the wealthy mega-landowners, the Van Cortlandts, lived (and, LTS, we load down the dining room table with 18th-c. desserts including REAL mince tarts that we make with beef tongue, suet, currants, and all). We celebrate Twelfth Night at the 18th-c.tavern/ferry house that the Van Cortlandts owned but leased out to tenants. Harp playing in the manor house, fiddle and dance in the tavern, whole property lit by candles and lanterns. The tour takes about an hour, refreshments are included, and it's as participatory as you feel like making it. Costs $9 for adults, $8 for senior citizens, $5 for kids. Happens December 17, 18, 19, and 26 from 4:00 - 8:30, you can take your chances and just show up or you can make a reservation by calling (914)631-8200. If any 'catters come, be sure to introduce youself to me, I'll be in the visitor center keeping the tours flowing even though I'd rather be down in the tavern!