The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78234   Message #1404415
Posted By: hilda fish
10-Feb-05 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: I was going to say something nice
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
No. No. It's octuPIED as in pied-a-terre \pee-ay-duh-TAIR; pyay-dah-TAIR\, noun;
plural pieds-a-terre \pee-ay-duh-TAIR; pyay-dah-TAIR\:
A temporary or second place of lodging. Which reminds me. I was listening to my radio on the way home from work today and I heard a news item which said a bunch of Chinese road workers dismantled about 100 metres of the Great Wall of China to use on the road they were building and that this had happened before when a road crew dismantled about 500 metres of the Wall for the same purpose. I couldn't stop laughing. Them road workers don't let anything get in the way of completing the job. They are certainly octupied and testiculated. Noice, ruly noice. Don't let national icons get in the way of a job done noicely. Did anyone else hear that news item and laugh?