The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77933   Message #1404534
Posted By: John P
10-Feb-05 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: I hate it when.........
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
Yes, Trevor, 'verbing' is verbing at its worse. It got really cute when someone I knew described the names of Irish and contra dance tunes as "Verb the Noun".

And Jim Tailor, 'pedanting' makes me want to shriek, although it may be useful in that it calls up a specific mental image that isn't served by any other existing words. I can just see a group of medieval music scholars pedanting away, or a group of traditionalist Irish session players engaging in pedantification, or sometimes even myself pedanticating around the joint.

Bill Bryson had an interesting bit in one of his books, probably "Made in America", about how lots of verbs that we take for granted today were once nouns that got verbed, and how the defenders of the language were terribly upset about each one as it got converted.

But I still hate it when people say they 'dialogued' or 'interfaced' or even "googled", although I use that one myself a lot. I guess, like a good folk musician in the modern age, I'm riding the line between the old world and the new.
