The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78261   Message #1404557
Posted By: Layah
10-Feb-05 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Here's something you may relate to!
Subject: RE: BS: Here's something you may relate to!
Is this trying to imply that lead paint and riding in cars without seatbelts and smoking and drinking while pregnant are not dangerous? Why can't people reminisce about how great the good old days were without blatantly or subtly attacking the current younger generation? When I was little I had a nintendo. I also had a swingset and a sandbox. Guess where I spent more time. In no way do I want to take away from your memories of your childhood, because I'm sure that they were wonderful, what I resent is the implication that it was better then, during times of legal racism, polio, lung cancer (not that that problem has gone away, but definatley improved), when rape was the woman's fault and being beaten by your husband wasn't necessarily cause for a divorce. THere were good things and bad things, and now there are also good things and bad things. To clarify, I"m only objecting to the tone of the original post, all subsequent posts have been much more innocent and less argumentative.