The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78214   Message #1404592
Posted By: Arkie
10-Feb-05 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Folksingers who are research historians?
Subject: RE: Folksingers who are research historians?
Cathy & Dave Para and Bob Dyer have created some memorable music on their Civil War and Lewis and Clark CDs as Big Jim has said. Another Ozark writer who deserves far more recognition than he has yet to receive is Charlie Sandage. Charlie has focused in recent years on Arkansas stories and thus the name of three CDs of well crafted and singable songs on such subjects as the Sultana, an earthquake that shook off the northeast corner of Arkansas and deposited it in Missouri (look at an Arkansas map)and many personal stories based on actual folk. More information can be found here: Arkansas Stories

The music is performed by Harmony, who were among the finalists in Prairie Home Companion's competition several years ago. Anyone looking for compelling music based on historic incidents will find a real treasure here which one does not necessarily have to be from Arkansas to appreciate.