The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78290   Message #1405216
Posted By: belfast
10-Feb-05 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Rue de Rory Gallagher?
Subject: RE: Rue de Rory Gallagher?
Thank you, people, for your help. These little mysteries can be irritating. So it's out in les banlieues. I doubt if I'll ever be there but now I know that the guy who talked about the Pompidou and Rue de Rivoli was talking nonsense. Thanks again.

But on the susbject of naming places after musicians, I was recently passing through Liverpool airport which is named after John Lennon. There's even a statue (bronze, I think) of the great man. And I thought, does Paul McCartney ever pass through here and does it piss him off?