The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78266   Message #1405302
Posted By: Bobert
10-Feb-05 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Korea...
Subject: RE: BS: Korea...
My, my, my....

While Bush and Co. were buzy attacking some folks who didn't have anything to do with 9-11, North Korea was taking advantage of their eindow of time, ahhhh, building nuclear bombs and delivery systems (thanks partly to our loyal allies, the Pakistanis)...

Hmmmm? Seems like Bush and Co. Have badly bungled just about every forieng policy decision they could have. They "disengaged" in the Isreali/Palestinain problem. They attacked Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9-11, for 9-11. They let North Korea develope nuclear capabilities. They overthrew democracy in Haiti. Meanwhile, they oignore the Sudan, where genocide is occuring daily.

The problem with Bush's foriegne policy is that it is predicated on doing everything 180 degrees from what was done by the Clinton folk and though I'm no Clinton lover, his administartion was doing a few things well in the area of foriegn policy.

Bush, on the other hand, has failed miserably.

North Korea beinf yet another piece of evidence..,

Condi Rice should quit.
