The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78214 Message #1405718
Posted By: silverfish
11-Feb-05 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: Folksingers who are research historians?
Subject: RE: Folksingers who are research historians?
Some of my songs are quite thoroughly researched, although I would have to say that very little of it actually comes out in the songs.
It's interesting and useful to have as full a mental picture of the subject before starting to set pen to paper. It's also useful to be able to give a short introduction quoting sources.
However, once all the writing, editing and revision is done to craft an interesting song from the historical tale - all the rest is discarded and the piece has to stand by itself as a finished work.
I know that I have sometimes combined tales of one incident with colourful characters of the same period but different locations in order to give a well-rounded picture of a particular historical period.
Some may consider this to be wrong and reprehensible, but that's how traditional tales evolve.
Not sure if this advances the discussion much, but that's real life!