The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77187   Message #1405812
Posted By: Den
11-Feb-05 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Subject: RE: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Bruce, the public apology wasn't neccesary but I admire you for doing it, you're a civil man. I was satisfied that we had ironed out our differences privately, thanks again. It goes to show that communication is still the best medicine.

McGrath I did do a check on UDF before posting. Obviously I didn't check enough. What did you turn up? Mostly I was going by my own experience. I have already apologised for jumping to my feet a little quickly and Bruce knows the rest. UDF in the grand scale of things is still insignificant when it comes to the other organizations mentioned above.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Unionists and loyalists do not want to share power. That's been the way of things since this state was brought into being. If you have been following any of this sorry scenarion since the introduction of the Good Friday agreement then you will see it has been one stall tactic after another to bring the fledgling assembly to its knees. If it wasn't Sinn Fein it would be any other Nationalist supported party that significantly challenged the establishment.

Now the IMC has said that it has information linking high ranking Sinn Fein members to the robbery but guess what they are not divulging it. Funny though how they had no problems making empty accusations to the press.

The comedy continues. A major search operation in west Tyrone linked to the Northern Bank robbery has ended with nothing found, police today confirmed.

A business and two homes belonging to brothers Michael and Liam Donnelly from Beragh were searched by police for 36 hours.
During the searches, an area of land was dug up and police used radar equipment as well as divers to search a pond.

Nice to see all that intelligence gathering being put to good use.