The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77187   Message #1405870
Posted By: Den
11-Feb-05 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Subject: RE: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Well you'd better widen your net there Eric. The British Army/UDA/UVF (remember the collusion reports or did we just make that up) deliberately targeted innocent victims like ALL terrorists do. Let me see Bloody Sunday springs to mind. Oh and you might want to talk to the parents of 10 year-old Stephen Geddis, chased down by a British soldier in the street and shot dead at point blank range (40 yards) with a plastic bullet. Then there's ex 13 year old Brian Stewart. Shot in the face with a plastic bullet from 10 yards by a British Soldier on foot patrol. Julie Livingstone made it to the ripe old age of 14 years old when she was shot in the head by a British soldier from a distance of 7 yards. Her crime, she was returning from the shop on an errand for her mother. Little Carol Ann Kelly who's family I know personally, aged 12. Shot dead by a British soldier from a distance of 5 yards. She was bringing home a carton of milk. Mind you they never checked the carton. She could have been carrying anything. A point that I'm sure was taken into consideration by the inquest because this soldier and none of the others I mentioned were ever convicted of any wrong doing.

Sadly I could go on and on Eric but I think your point is well made.