The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77956   Message #1405916
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Feb-05 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Bill, you say you look forward to continued discussion. I feel so much hatred and bitterness coming from your posts in this thread that I would not enter into a discussion with you about ANYthing, least of which my most personal thoughts and experiences.

And I am outraged that when Joe mentions (the obvious and frank) bigotry, people have the nerve to suggest how he should or should not feel-- while dramatic displays of ill feeling run rampantly through this and many other threads. Feelings are feelings. If one wants one's most treasured and hoarded upsets to be honored as feelings, how about tolerating the feelings one generates in response, as well?

What I see in this thread is proselytization against religion, much more than any for it. While many Christians are restraining themseves from posting what they really think and feel, the negative message and witness rolls on in abundance. It feels very political, very much intended as intimidation.
