The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77506 Message #1405929
Posted By: SINSULL
11-Feb-05 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
Subject: RE: Getaway 2005 (14-17 Oct )
You guys just don't get it. First, there is no such thing as a svelte folkie - nice try Amos but we ain't buying sugar this week. Next, we have no intention of harming you physically - that would be cutting off (sorry...) our noses (or whatever) to spite our faces. Lastly, neither Kendall not Micca will go with you willingly - guys they got it all and know it. Iron bars do not a prison make and there isn't a cellar strong enough to contain an unwilling Captain. Micca would just have to wave his magic crystal and fly away.
There are quislings among you, gentlemen. You can not trust your own to protect you. Bearded Bruce isn't trying to distract us, he is trembling with anticipation at the prospect of twiddling our toes. Kendall sings "I Remember Loving You" and means it! Does it rather well too. Alaska Mike is laughing at you from the position of safety - he longs to see Mick get his.
And what exactly is "his"? You have 8 months to contemplate it. We haven't decided Amos' fate yet. Maybe nothing - the anticipation alone will destroy him.
"All in good time, my pretties. All in good time."