The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78292   Message #1406477
Posted By: JohnInKansas
11-Feb-05 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
I believe I saw a note in this morning's newsrag that the Virginia Senate Committee (Judiciary or something like that) rejected the Butt Crack bill UNANIMOUSLY.

I sympathize deeply with some of the other stuff, as the Kansas Legislature has just voted to send a Constitutional Amendment banning "gay marriage," and banning the recognition of any marriages, or civil alternative thereto made any where else in the world, to a vote of the people. (They almost quoted Neuremburg, Sept 15, 1935 exactly in the last clause.)

Great tradition, that - letting the majority decide whether to deprive a minority of their rights.

Oh, and the Kansas School Board is also debating again whether to ban, restrict, or just mangle beyond recognition the "teaching of evolution." One proposal is they'll be allowed to teach it, as long as they put a sticker on every book that says "GOD SAYS IT AIN'T SO."

Nobody around here even seems to wonder who's GgOoDd they're talking about.
