The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78261   Message #1406483
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Feb-05 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here's something you may relate to!
Subject: RE: BS: Here's something you may relate to!
UK side, there were good things and bad, but I think on balance we had things better than SOME kids today.

I work at a primary school, and the most common cry of the pupils at breaks is "I'm bored, I've got nothing to do". They do have a point, as they are prevented from playing in the way we used to by considerations of safety and PC. The school is always afraid of being sued by parents if any child is injured, so imposes strict limits on acceptable play.

Children of five arrive at the school, already indoctrinated with the belief that the police are the enemy, and to be avoided at all costs. We were never bored, because we were free to roam. They can't do that now, for obvious reasons. We were s**t scared of our local beat cop IF we were misbehaving, because he would give you a belt upside the head with his rolled up cape, that would make your ears ring for an hour, and, if you told your dad, he'd give you another the same for giving the cop reason to clout you. At the same time, if you were in trouble, or lost, you knew that the cop was a friend who would do whatever it took to help.

I had a happy childhood, virtually NO health problems, and the hell of a lot of fun, and I often feel that we have let our kids down by not trying harder to give them the same.

No rose tinted specs, just telling it like it was where and when I was a kid.