The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40671   Message #1407206
Posted By: wysiwyg
12-Feb-05 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I Hunger and Thirst (Shaker Hymn)
Subject: Chords ADD: I Hunger and Thirst (Shaker Hymn)
The form of this is AABB, AABB.



I Hunger and Thirst
Written in Alfred, Maine (1837). Learned from the singing of Sister R. Mildred Barker on Rounder Select CD EARLY SHAKER SPIRITUALS. This version adapted, edited, and arranged (C) 2005 for The Good News-Goodtime Band by Susan O. Hinton.

A Part:
I hunger and thirst, I hunger and thirst after true righteousness.
In what I've obtained, in what I've obtained my soul cannot rest.

B Part:
An ocean I see, without bottom or shore.
O feed me I'm hungry, enrich me I'm poor.
I will cry unto God, I never will cease,
'Til my soul's filled with love, love, perfect love and sweet peace.

(From the first chord CHANGE in each line)

A Part:
D, G, D
G, D

B Part:
D, G, D, A7, D
G, D, A7, D
A7, G
D, G, A7, D

With thanks to Shelley Phillips, Community Music School, for a start on the arrangement.