The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78252   Message #1407839
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
12-Feb-05 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Gene Autry's song Dillinger
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gene Autry's song Dillinger
When I was a bunch of years younger and living in Chicago, the Biograph Theater, where Dillenger was killed, was right in the middle of the Lincoln Avenue folk scene district. Clubs like Somebody Else's Troubles, Orphans, and Holstein's were right across the street from the Biograph. Coming out of the night spots very late---2 to 4 AM---we'd often see a fellow out in front of the Biograph driving those small, round, lead fishing line weights into a wooden utility pole. He did that with a hammer and a screw driver of some kind.

The next day (or whenever), when the street was jammed with people, he could be seen digging laboriously at that pole. He told all who inquired, and there were many, that he was digging shot gun pellets out of the pole from the night the feds got John Dillinger. He never offered to sell those----but everyone insisted he did just that. And sell 'em he did!!! (This was in the 1970s and 1980s.)

Art Thieme