The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78311   Message #1408160
Posted By: EagleWing
13-Feb-05 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
Subject: RE: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
"I was walking through my market town today and there was a man in the main square waving his Bible and shouting his beliefs at us."

Just one! As I walk through my market town each day I see and hear materialism from all directions. I hear all sorts of views, religious, anti-religious, agnostic etc. Posters preach the power of the all-powerful gods - money & sex. But let one man wave a Bible and air Christian views and suddenly everyone gets upset.

I didn't hear your particular preacher. His views may conflict with mine but his is only one voice in a society in which all other voices are accepted but his.

Frank L.