The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78311   Message #1408169
Posted By: EagleWing
13-Feb-05 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
Subject: RE: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
GUEST says "They already do control Christianity Joe, so I think you are a day late and a dollar short on that one.
If you are so appalled by those who control and use Christianity to their own ends, rather than in service of the flock's true needs, then it is your duty to leave those institutions, and find a different way of doing the work.
Nobody said it was going to be easy, destroying evil."

Firstly, they only control a section of the Church. Neither of them have any influence over non-Catholic Churches outside of the US. If we are to leave all institutions which are capable of corruption we will have to leave the earth altogether. As soon as anyone sets about destroying evil, someone - possibly GUEST - will accuse them of fundamentalism anyway. It takes _some_ kind of belief to make people try to fight evil. Since fundamentalism is the name given to anyone who tries to bring their beliefs out of their churches and homes such people will be branded. Sooner or later some politician will start using their message to get a bit of power and the whole corruption thing starts again. Some of us prefer to fight corruption from within rather than complain about it from without.

Frank L.