The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78380   Message #1408558
Posted By: GUEST
13-Feb-05 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will progressive Wis Sen Feingold run?
Subject: RE: BS: Will progressive Wis Sen Feingold run?
It would, wouldn't it? But McCain is very much an outsider from the current neocon administration. The neo-cons detest him. Who do you suppose the neocons will want to run in 2008? It can't be Cheney, because everyone is too afraid of him to vote for him. He looks scarier than Frankenstein.

So the question is, could two "outsider" senators succeed in getting both party nominations in 2008? I kinda doubt even one can, though Feingold stands a much better chance now that Dean is in at the DNC, than McCain has with that other Kenny boy at RNC.