The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78311   Message #1408973
Posted By: Teresa
14-Feb-05 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
Subject: RE: BS: Giving up religion for Lent...
The peace and human rights movement includes people of all walks of life who share a common goal. The religious in that group do not condemn the non-religious. Why should anyone condemn anyone else?

I have no problem with sharing a prayer with others. I am not part of an organized religion, but I am comfortable in my relationship with the Great Spirit, the gods, God, or whatever I might call It/Him/Her. I feel no need to defend my belief. So I have my moment of silence along with the prayer. I don't think that prayer is harmful in any way.

I don't like the sorts of fundamentalists--Communists, atheists, Christians, Buddhists, (yes, there are some) Muslims, humanists, pagans who insist to me that I am on the wrong path and their path is the only right one. I try to keep company with people of any of the above persuasions and many other walks of life who are open-minded and willing to listen/teach/learn. It is not a Christian/non-Christian thing for me ... it is a much deeper distinction in some ways, or rather, a much more fundamental one.
