The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78263   Message #1409183
Posted By: GUEST,Barrie Roberts
14-Feb-05 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Subject: RE: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
A few points:

1. Abusing people for being ugly and stupid is cruel and repulsive. Can we see unretouched pictures of the visual paragons who take this approach?

2. When the American colonies decided to break the ties that had hitherto bound them to King George, they offered the Crown of America to George Washington, who turned it down (3 times, I think) and to Charles Stuart, the Jacobite pretender to the English throne, who turned them down (twice, I think). Unable to find themselves a new King they were forced to put up with mad George or become a republic. One quite understands their choice;

3. The Church of England is not Henry VIII's Church. He cut off the English bit of the Catholic Church and declared himself the head of it. It was his daughter Elizabeth who established a Protestant English church;

You can carry on sniping now.