The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29700   Message #1409629
Posted By: Tradsinger
14-Feb-05 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Help: Unusual Devon songs
Subject: RE: Help: Unusual Devon songs
I have just picked up on this thread as I only joined Mudcat recently. I can claim some knowledge of Devon songs from my various sojourns and collecting trips down there. The famous Roud index lists 759 songs collected in Devon, mainly by Sharp, Baring-Gould, Sam Richards and, ahem, me. Bob and Jackie Patten plus Cyril Tawney have all done some song collecting in Devon. Also, look at the work that Martin Graebe is doing currently on the Baring-Gould collection. The lovely Charlie Hill, traditional singer from Dartmoor, told me that he used to sing songs by one 'Jan Stewer' which were rustic-type songs in Devon dialect. These include 'When mother and me joined in' - a great song and 'Out stepped mother and me'. Why has no-one yet mentioned 'Tavistock Goosey Fair'? - cracking song. Then there are lots of songs from Devon travellers (gypsies) including the wonderful Birch/Orchard family of singers, musicians and step dancers. I sing a snatch of the Orchard family version of Broomfield Hill at

I sing 'Jan's Courtship'which I got from a singer who learnt it in Warwickshire, but I note that the words are almost identical to those in the 19 Jan 01 posting. If I knew how to write abc music I would post it, but I don't so I can't.

Happy to chat more about songs from Devon any time.
