The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1410189
Posted By: The Shambles
15-Feb-05 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Warm Goodbye From The Shambles

The above thread is the one that was closed twice and I have requested be re-opened. The following are a few contributions which I hope show the tone of this thread and why there was no reason for its double closure and no reason why my request for it to be re-opened, shouldn't be met. I will leave you to judge.

Subject: RE: A warm goodbye, from The Shambles.
From: Wolfgang - PM
Date: 22 Jul 99 - 09:27 AM

Roger, I'm sorry you leave too. I dearly hope when you sneak back in a couple of days, weeks, months, Mudcat'll be in such spirit that you'll come back gladly.
There have been too many partings lately: Bruce O., Martin Ryan, Roger Gall. And if you read closely you'll see that others are contemplating this move as well (I remember Alice writing something to that effect). And there are others who just have left without saying a word (I don't mention names for they might have had different reasons). People they are who have helped to make Mudcat what it once was with a sound musical knowledge. If we do not rethink (and act accordingly) others will go too. Let's make Mudcat a place Roger would like to rejoin then we'll get Martin and Bruce back too, I hope.

Subject: RE: A warm goodbye, from The Shambles.
From: Jeri - PM
Date: 22 Jul 99 - 09:55 AM

Shambles/Roger, I haven't been here at Mudcat very long, and I was just getting to know you. I've seen you around Usenet and have always respected your gentlemanly words. I'm sorry you find it too uncomfortable to remain here (for now, I hope) because I'll miss you and your voice of calm reason and conscience. I'm sorry that the the friendships you've made and the fun you've had don't outweigh the negativity.
Perhaps some of us (yeah, me too) are guilty of being a bit defensive when it comes to Mudcat. It's a wonderful place, but I think we want to see it as perfect. When someone says something negative, we sometimes see it as a threat rather than constructive criticism. We jump right in and to defend our "homeland" and ideals instead of allowing the critics to help us make it better. We take sides. We make mountains out of molehills.

I am not placing these post here to embarrass anyone. I have great respect for many of the contributions of these and other posters. Despite the provocation demonstrated in this thread - I have no personal animosity with anyone who posts here – as this would be foolish - for I only know one or two posters personally. This does show that it is foolish to build-up a picture of a poster's entire personality and judge this only from their postings. None of us are saints or sinners but folk with different views who I like to think -do their best. I just wish to see the best of us encouraged and all of this personal judgement of individuals, secrecy and imposed action based on this – not to be tolerated or encouraged as it is divisive.

When Joe did set a good example – I was a great supporter of this. Since he has chosen to set a different example – this is not one I can support and I have been consistent in this (and consistently ignored and abused). Setting a good example and listening to one's children and their demands – is always far better than nagging them, beating them, locking them in or threatening to kick them out of the house. But the comparison to the forum is less than perfect. Ignoring one's own children is not really an option. Ignoring posts that are not to your taste on this discussion forum – is so very easy.

But not – it seems for some of those who would feel qualified to judge us. Who can't resist setting the example of posting only to make personal comments – refresh the threads they do not like and to instruct others not to respond – 'as this will only refresh the thread'. Or incite others to post 'witty' responses – that again will only refresh the thread. This thread is the perfect example of this………There is another way.