The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78458   Message #1410853
Posted By: treewind
15-Feb-05 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: CD Production
Subject: RE: CD Production
I use tables, in Open Office but I'm sure MS Word will do the same.

A table carefully positioned in the centre of the paper in landscape format, with L and R cells for facing pages, enables you to make a four sided CD front insert. Even easier if your printer will do double sided.

You can set the table cell shpes to be fixed so they don't move about while you add text.

You can do tray cards the same way too, with the spines as tall thin cells and the text set to run vertically up the left side and down the right side.

Once you've got one sized and positioned right, use it as a template to do others in the future.
