The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78484   Message #1410917
Posted By: Brían
15-Feb-05 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: MEMPHIS YODEL
Subject: Folklore: MEMPHIS YODEL
From: Jimmie Rodgers Lyrics & Chords


(Jimmie Rodgers)

I woke up this morning, the blues all 'round my bed.
I woke up this morning, the blues all 'round my bed.
I didn't have nobody to hold my aching head.

If you don't want me woman, just give me your right hand.
If you don't want me woman, just give me your right hand.

'Cause I can find a mama, and you can find a man.

Now I love you, Memphis, you know I love you so.
Now I love you, Memphis, Tennessee I love you so.
I'd rather be here than any other place I know.

I wonder if anyone could eplain the lines I have bold-faced. I always thought people gave their right hands when they were getting married.

At least I did.


(Aspiring yodeler)
Yeah, I shoulda took up the bagpipes instead...