The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1411221
Posted By: Bill D
15-Feb-05 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Max is always 'in control'. Some jobs are delegated, like Generals delegate to Colonels and so on down the line. We have 4 levels- 1)Max, 2)Jeff & Joe, 3)the volunteers/elves, and 4) the rest of the members....and guests are sort of the same as members, only different.      
   These levels were set for a reason, but are sort of automatic. If editing abilities were given to everyone, I can barely imagine the mischief that would go on....if NO ONE but Max or Joe could edit, it wouldn't get done, as there's just too much to read since Max has a *JOB* now, and Jeff has a lot to do with the programming aspects and other projects.

The volunteer system just grew from Max's decision to have 'some' control, and HE decided how far it should go.

If I read Shambles complex series of complaints correctly, he would rather have NO editing...even of nastiness and personal attacks. That has been rejected to avoid the hell some newsgroups experience.
But especially he hates not having a list of volunteers posted and seems to want anyone who does edit anything sign it. Jeff & Joe have noted several times that they do not WANT elves to get into personal debates, but have also said that important deletions must be cleared with them!!!!!! So, if I understand it right, ALL serious deletions or thread closings MUST be approved by either Joe or Jeff....or Max, if it comes to that.

I have talked to both Joe & Jeff...face-to-face...and I am content that they are truly doing the best, most reasonable job possible to keep this forum as free as makes sense and still not allow unchecked anarchy.

It's too bad you don't see the point of it, Shambles...but "3 legged elephants CAN'T dance on stairs"