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Thread #78348   Message #1411601
Posted By: Stu
16-Feb-05 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Forthcoming UK election - important issue
Subject: RE: BS: Forthcoming UK election - important issu
The truth is successive governments have kept our unfair 'first-past-the-post' voting system because once in power it gives them a better chance of staying there. A system of proportional representation would give smaller minority parties a real chance to influence the way the country is run, and keep existing politicians on their toes a little more.

Blair got away with Iraq etc because his majority is so huge he can effectively do what he wants. This is hardly democratic, as no-else is listened to when taking policy decisions or drawing up legislation to steam-roller through unpopular laws.

As for not voting, I take your point Les but in the constituency where I live the sitting Tory MP would be voted in if he was caught live on TV buggering sheep, so safe is his majority.

I have no say in how the country is run, I feel betrayed by Blair so do not want to vote Labour and the Lib-Dems are way behind anyway, so I will exersise my franchise but spoil the ballot - different to not voiting because of apathy.