The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78380   Message #1411675
Posted By: GUEST
16-Feb-05 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will progressive Wis Sen Feingold run?
Subject: RE: BS: Will progressive Wis Sen Feingold run?
I respectfully disagree with you Auggie. The Democrats were thrown out of power when they moved to the center, and that is why they aren't winning elections. They steadily lost their own party base through attrition and apathy, which caused many liberal voters to not vote. The same thing happened to the conservatives back in the Goldwater era. People forget that Goldwater lost, but Richard Nixon won, by the largest margin of victory since FDR.

I don't think Feingold's liberalism is a hindrance at this point, because the Democratic party isn't going to regain power until it moves back to the left, and starts working on capturing the votes of the centrists fed up with the Republicans dismantling the government, and driving truck loads of money into the coffers of their corrupt shadow establishment AND their own liberal base, whom they abandoned when they moved far to the right with Bill Clinton.

John Kerry didn't lose the race because he lost the center. John Kerry lost the race because he didn't have the liberal left voters supporting him.