The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78468   Message #1412596
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Feb-05 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do we need money?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do we need money?
Eastern Europe was run by a privileged elite, consisting of Communist Party bigwigs and military bigwigs (also in the Communist Party). That is not democratic socialism, it's a one-party dictatorship over the many by the few. It failed because it was undemocratic and because it attempted to maintain a military spending spree which was beyond its means, thus condeming its civilian society to unnecessary shortages and austerity.

That is not socialism. Real democratic socialism has rarely been attempted in this World in modern times. It does not require political parties. Neither does our mixed capitalist/socialist society of today. Political parties are, in my opinion, an aberration. One party is probably the worst way to go, since it leads directly to dictatorship. 2 is the next worst. Several is next after that. None is best of all.