The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78449   Message #1412604
Posted By: GUEST,Peter Alway
16-Feb-05 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Lego dulcimer
Subject: RE: Lego dulcimer
"Anybody we know???"

I don't think so. I hang out at

"Sounds a little flat, but it does look like fun."

Yeah, there are problems with string tension. It takes a very light touch. Also the fret spacing problem probably hurt it.

"I know someone else made a baby grand piano out of legos too."

I found a lego harpsichord online, and I suspect that's what you mean. It had some useful ideas for holding the strings on the dulcimer

"Looks interesting - can't imagine the fret spacing will work though."

That was an interesting problem. By having a 72-stud fretboard, I was able to hit a lot of the ratios for unequal temperament (like a fifth being a 2:3 ratio). I actually stopped adding frets where the poor spacing started to offend my ears. Fortunately I can play plenty of tunes on the available frets

"now thats the real true DIY cheap'n'gaudy
yet at the same time mimimalistic and functional punkfolk ethic.."

Ooh, a minimalistic punkfolk ethic! I had no clue that I would ever be that cool!

"OK, has anybody got a link to the plans?"

Plans? uh, I guess my site at is as close to plans as you will find.

I will mention that I have to play very softly because the tuning pegs can't hold much tension. It actually sounded better on NPR than in real life because they could put the mike a quarter inch from a soundhole, so I could play very gently.

Peter Alway