The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1412764
Posted By: The Shambles
17-Feb-05 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
It must be obvious that whatever Max's purpose or intention in opening this part of his website to the public - if our forum is mostly used in practice by some individuals to pass judgement on the sanity, motives and general worth of other individuals - based only on the words of their postings - rather than ignoring obvious provocation and this practice is encouraged - there is going to be a lot of public conflict.

If (as at present) all this personal judgement is encouraged by the example generally set - perhaps and before it is too late - a different example can NOW be set and encouraged? Especially by those who would feel themselves entitled to pass judgement on other posters and feel qualified to impose their personal judgement upon their fellow contributors?

People post what they will and it up to everyone else to accept this as a fact beyond their control. Encouraging folk to make a subsequent fuss and demanding that a contribution be later removed because it may not be to their taste - will not alter the fact that it first appears but will simply bring attention to something that many would have been unaware of in the first place and would have died a natual death.

But what the current censorship does is to devide us, bring attention to them, lose perfectly acceptable contributions along with the (possibly) offending one and in the case of thread closures - prevents any positive contributions from altering the course of the thread.

If this thread was thought to be an offending one - just look at how many times it has been refreshed by folk simply making judgements of the threads worth. If there is no valid contribution to the issue made in the post - could it simply not be ignored?

I am and feel - despite many pointless efforts to make me feel less so - just as important as any other contributor and perhaps - unlike others - have no need to be ever thought more important than others.

But when you are reading anyone's contribution - perhaps they are at that time - the most important one or at least the views being expressed in that post are the most important? The choice having read it is simple - to respond to those views or to ignore the thread.