The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1412794
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
17-Feb-05 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Of course it is obvious that the forum was opened to allow contributions - there would not be any point in a forum otherwise would there?

What is not obvious is why Shambles words his posts the way he does. If he was to say something like

"I think the editing/censorship policy has got too heavy here and we would be better off with the rules being more relaxed" and opened up a debate on those terms, while I'd opt not to join in, I'd not really have a problem with him.

But Shambles does not do that he has to throw "that Max has invited" and to paraphrase "the actions of evil volunteers under the control of witchfinder Joe Offer" in.

When he does that, I only see what he doing is attacking people for doing no more than their job. His argument becomes nonsensical because a) If he credits Max for control, he should also credit Max for control of his "employees" and b) as has been shown the person he is blaming for the closure of threads was not even the first person to set such an example in the forum.

It remains a mystery to me why Shambles, having gone on here does not take the issue up with Max who has the control. It gets even weirder when Shambles illustrates total respect for Max - that to me would give even more reason to discuss the matter with him. Either he is completely tapped, or his real motives are nothing to do with what he says they are but a desire to attack someone - probably Joe.