The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76201 Message #1413279
Posted By: Judy Cook
17-Feb-05 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Origin of Aunt Jenny Died?
Subject: RE: Origin of Aunt Jenny Died?
We used to play a related game when I was young. Players sit in a circle. The leader starts with the statement to player on her left who questions her, then turns to the player on his left in turn. All players continue the action or contortion until it returns to them the next time when they *add* another action or contortion. The object is to not laugh, but maintain an air of solemn sympathy.
"Old Miss Onion Died." "How did she die?" "Closing one eye" ... [next time round] "Old Miss Onion Died." "How did she die?" "Mouth awry" ... "Waving goodbye" ... "One leg held high"
There might have been more; don't remember.
Did anyone else ever play that one? Guess I had a weird enough childhood.