The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75631   Message #1413729
Posted By: Pauline L
18-Feb-05 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
When I got home from my interview yesterday, I was totally exhausted. It would probably be more accurate to say that I felt like I was coming unraveled. Chronic unemployment and job hunting are extremely stressful.

As I said yesterday, the interview went very well. I followed the advice given in several Internet articles I've read. I asked some substantive questions. This made me feel pro-active instead of passive. You can learn a lot from the answers someone gives to your questions, and I liked his answers. I took the editing test with the aid of a dictionary, not Microsoft Word Spell Check or the AP Style manual. every time I reread the document they gave me, i found more spelling errors. A lot of people have told me that, when writing, it's important to submit a "clean" copy, with no errors in grammar or spelling. Now I understand why. Their office computer system was down for repairs, and the interviewer initially told me that I would have to come back another day for the writing test. However, while I was taking the editing test, he read the writing samples I brought with me, and he told me that he really liked them and there was no need to come back and take the writing test. :-) I plan to send him one more writing sample of the type I've seen in the company's publication which he gave me. If he had any doubts about my ability to write because I'm a scientist and not a journalist, I think I convinced him that I really can write quite well. He said that in about a month, the one or two top applicants would be called to come back for another interview. I'm applying for other jobs, but I would be less than honest if I pretended that I don't want this job.

I suppose I'm superstitious, but I take the following as a good sign. I got to the office quite early and read the book I had brought with me, "Will you Miss Me When I'm Gone?" by Zwonitzer and Hirshberg. The interviewer saw the book and asked me what it was about, and I replied that it was about the Carter Family singers, and he knew who they were. That's got to be auspicious.

Amos, I'm so glad that you have a phone interview with the #1 employer on your wish list. I'm sure you'll ace it.

Peter, I'm sorry that you're about to join the ranks of the illustrious unemployed. I hope that your job search is short and fruitful. A lot of Mudcatters are wishing you well.