The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1414451
Posted By: Bobert
18-Feb-05 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Screw "PERSONAL RESPOSIBILITY", hubby. I'm so sick and friggin' tired of rich folks and a few of their shills, you included, puffin' out you chests like you and yer buddies actaully deserve ehat ever you have been able to manipulate the sytem to give you and give us that terribly worn out PERSONAL RRESPOSIBILITY bull. You want PERSONSAL RESPONSIBILITY then level the playing field. Boss Hog has his hands in the every working man and woman pockets in America. He has stacked the deck in HIS FRIGGIN' FAVOR... Yeah, you want PERSONAL RESPOSIBILITY then make everyone go to public schools that are fully intergarted, provide a nutrition program for every child and provise college eduscation free to any kid that pushes hard enough to make it. Then, you will be moving toward a goal of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Thre way it is now, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY translates to "I'M RICH. YOU AIN"T. GET OVER IT!" Yeah come off yer friggin high PERSONAL RESPOSIBILTY hobby horse and I'll pick yer PERSONAL RESPOSIBILTY butt up at the airport and take you on a tour of places where kids are hungry, and in homes sometimes without any real parents and where schools are faling in. Yeah, hubby. You come on a tour with this ol' hillbilly and you will be eternaqlly ashamed that Boss Hog ever stuck that PERSONAL RESPOSIBILITY PR crap in your head. To folks who have beden around, when parrot that carp, you look more ignorant than anyone I know who lives back in the Wes Ginny holler in which I live.

You should be ashamed...
