The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78457   Message #1414507
Posted By: akenaton
18-Feb-05 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: 2005 BBC folk awards - opinions?
Subject: RE: 2005 BBC folk awards - opinions?
How can the BBC manage to ruin the sound in a show like this!!
At times the performers were inaudible,especially Cathie Tickle, who was drowned by her backing.
Big Edna did her usual sterling job of setting Rabbie Burns birlin in his grave!!

I agree with Jock...Karine Polwort looked something special, but Ill have to wait till I hear her properly before I can be sure.

Im ashamed to say I had never heard her before, but Ill certainly buy her CD

In a few years the face of folk music will have changed out of all recognition,into something resembling punk rock.
Is it the death knell at last for we dinosaurs of the revival??
Is it the end of "folk music"
Where is the beauty and the emotion? Energy and volume are no substitute...Ake