The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78529 Message #1414972
Posted By: GUEST,Gene
19-Feb-05 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: The Arizona Yodeler
Subject: Lyr Add: THE ARIZONA YODELER (from Kenny Roberts)
you have to listen to Kenny on Rose's Site to get the FEEL OF THE YODEL PART
1. Way out in Arizona in a town they call Winona Where the folks you meet all know a thing or two With a lad of great ambition who had set as his life's mission To excel upon his yodel-lee-del-lay-de-hoo
BRIDGE: Oh he'd play a little tune on his Spanish guitar He'd mingle with his song this sweet refrain [long yodel refrain]
2. In the evenin' in the cactus he would get a lot of practice With his [yodel refrain] As his cattle he was trailin' you would always hear him wailin' On his [yodel refrain]
3. Soon he met a little maiden who with talent too was laden And she fell for him like flowers for the dew And he wished not to evade her so he used to serenade her With his [yodel refrain]