The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1415270
Posted By: Bobert
19-Feb-05 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Well, I think we're making progress with the hub-ster in that he has backed away from PERSONSAL RESPONSIBILITY to personal responsibility...

BTW, hub, when I said I'd pich you up at the airport and give you a tout of the *unlevel* playing field, I didn't say I'd pick you up at Memphis International and drive south outta Wes Memphis down *Hightway 61*... No, I was thinking National in DC and then take you around the area 'round where I live in Wes Ginny and then a little rour of some neighborhoods in NE and SE Wsahington, D.C.

As fir you dream of more folks starting samll businesses, good luck. They are closing in record numbers since Bush and Co. came into office...

My ideas that I put forth earlier about dropping the rate, while raising the cap, would held ot only small businesses but the self employed as well...

Now lastly, and don't take this too personal, but, hey, you admit to working hard and failing in one venture after another (similar to Bush except he doesn't like work and still fails...) so why do I want to put a lot of trust in your ideas anyway??? I mean, not to be braggin' 'er nuthing, but I held down "save-the-world" jobs until just 20 years ago when I went into business and was successfull enough to be able to retire 2 years ago... Yeah, I still work (and work hard) but not because I have to... Not too sure what thhis means but if we are talking about folks plans, I think it is fair to at least give a glimpse of their batting averages... Like I said, no offense intended...
