The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78601   Message #1415357
Posted By: LadyJean
19-Feb-05 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: John Roberts and Tony Barrand
Subject: RE: John Roberts and Tony Barrand
I have held both gentlemen in the highest regard, since my freshman year in college.
The housing department, in their infinite wisdom, assigned me a roommate who was both an alcoholic and a born again Christian, and when I say an alcoholic, I don't mean she went to AA meetings. I mean she had to be poured into bed a couple of nights a week, and she wasn't a fun drunk.
SHE moved out because I liked to listen to "Spencer The Rover is Alive and Well and Living in Ithaca New York", and she couldn't stand them.
Now there are a lot of fine singers in this world, but not many who can fumigate an objectionable lush. I wish them well.