The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74135   Message #1415611
Posted By: GUEST
20-Feb-05 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Springtime In Guam
Subject: RE: Springtime In Guam
Well Brett, So this is where you hang out. Since I don't have your email and you don't have mine, Mom sent me this address. How are you I haven't read all the posts to get all the news. Sounds though that you are happily retired and remarried !! Slow down. Life here is quieter. I enjoy the negative comments about Maine - I am very ready to move west. This year I take my boards again, and hope next year to apply out west. Problem is I love my job. My boss is greedy and lazy and feels that I should share in his indulgence in these two of the 7 deadly sins. So we are ever trying to work less for more money. It has not been as successful as we had hoped - we are very busy. But I enjoy work and it makes it hard to get west. But I will - I am unhappy living in Maine. The weater sucks, my house is small and tawdry .... And Montana is sooo beautiful. Mom and Dad are fine. I bought Dad a 4 wheeler and he is loving it. Who new? I did it for motivational and physical therapy after his surgery and wow, did that work. He's been all over the farm and has all kinds of plans for spring and summer. Mom is as busy as ever. Hello to Wakana and all her family. Keep in touch Bryn