The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78468   Message #1416482
Posted By: Pied Piper
21-Feb-05 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do we need money?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do we need money?
There may not always have been money but there has always been trade between individuals and groups.
The fundamental relationship of any organism to the biosphere is an economic one.
We have to eat to survive, so food and in dry areas water, has many of the social properties of money.
I don't see how you could abolish money in a society were wee need so many specialists. Without money (as a standard means of exchange) how does a brain-surgeon get to eat?
I know the system is far from perfect but money has some good aspects
1 It's not Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, or Religiously bigoted.
2 It rots more slowly (most of the time) than food.
3 A large amount takes up a small space.
4 It can be easily hidden, so your wealth does not have to show. I mean this in terms of being robed. I can walk down the street with £10,000 in my pocket (I should be so lucky) and it does not show; a train of Oxen is however harder to hide.