The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78660   Message #1417763
Posted By: PoppaGator
22-Feb-05 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Your favourite John Lennon songs?
Subject: RE: What's your favourite John Lennon song?
Another vote for "Imagine."

I know some of you more cynical types really dislike this song, or at least feel that John, as a multimillionaire, was hypocritical in daring to propose that we "imagine no possessions."

I think that a multimillionaire has as much right to be a visionary as anyone else. If I were fortunate enough and talented enough to tap into the world's consiousness as effectively (and profitably) as John Lennon did, I certainly would not appreciate being told that I had lost my right to continue expressing myself in my art.

You might say that Les and I are dreamers, but we're not the only ones.