The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78457   Message #1418555
Posted By: muppitz
23-Feb-05 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: 2005 BBC folk awards - opinions?
Subject: RE: 2005 BBC folk awards - opinions?
The only 2 things I have to say about the Folk awards is:

"Isn't it time Bob Fox got a look in?"
The guy is constantly out there performing, he is of top calibre and a total gentleman!
Did anyone else see him do a set with Vin Garbutt at Saltburn Folk Fest 2004? THAT WAS bloody magic, I wanted to bottle it up and take it away with me!

And Karine Polwart deserved everything she got, she has a wonderful voice, writes some cracking songs and is really friendly to boot!

muppitz x