The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78569   Message #1419636
Posted By: Susan-Marie
24-Feb-05 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cocks or Cheeks?
Subject: RE: BS: Cocks or Cheeks?
Another Ditty on this subject, from Robert Burns

Nine Inch Will Please a Lady
Tune:The Quaker's Wife

Come rede me dame, come tell me, dame,
My dame come tell me truly,
What length o' graith, when weel ca'd hame,
Will sair a woman duly?
The carlin clew her wanton tail,
Her wanton tail sae ready -
I learn'd a sang in Annandale,
Nine inch will please a lady.

But for a koontrie cunt like mine,
In sooth, we're nae sae gentle;
We'll take tway thumb-bread to the nine,
And tha's a sonsy pintle;
O leeze me on my Charlie lad,
I'll ne'er forget my Charlie!
Tway roarin handfu's and a daud,
He nidge't it in fu' rarely.

But weary fa' the laithron doup
And may it ne'er ken thrivin!
It's no the length that maks me loup,
But it's the double drivin.-
Come nidge me, Tam, come nidge me Tam,
Come nidge me o'er the nyvel!
Come lowse and lug your battering ram,
And thrash him at my gyvel!

rede - advise graith - tools sair - serve carlin - old woman
pintle - male organ laithron - lazy, inactive doup - backside
gyvel - gable