The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78776   Message #1420838
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
25-Feb-05 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Child exorcisms: legalised child abuse
Subject: BS: Child exorcisms: legalised child abuse
There's an extremely disturbing filmed report on the BBC website. I'm afraid that for those of us who have to struggle along without broadband, it takes a while to download, but well worth the effort. (Some people may have seen the report on BBC 2's flagship current affairs show, Newsnight.)

Once at the BBC website, click on any of the video links towards the bottom of the right-hand column, then enter "exorcisms" in the search box. The results you get include three for 24 and 25 February, which in fact all go to the same report. Maybe someone knows how to make a more direct link.

Among other things, the film reveals strong religious influences behind the wretched Victoria Climbie tragedy. I always knew Christians had to be gullible (as evidenced in the anti-christ thread, LOL), but the crap they are shown to believe here is terrifying.

Incidentally, the search for "exorcisms" also brings up a report I've not seen yet, about the Vatican running exorcism courses for priests. The mind boggles.