The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78778   Message #1420947
Posted By: wysiwyg
25-Feb-05 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Just don't do "ablation." It's bad news-- burning the uterine lining out. Picture a dead planet turned inside out, to carry around inside.

The uterus secretes estrogen, itself, along with the ovaries. Some women have found that premature loss of the uterus, even if the ovaries were left intact, causes a real problem. Others have had it taken out and blessed the day they did it for the rest of their lives.

Some women have found that depending on the type and location and growth rate of one or more fibroids, they're best left alone. They also can grow for a bit, cause pain, and then quit growing and be entirely unfelt and cause no concern

In other words it's a crapshoot, and everyone and every doc has their own experiences and opinions. The middle of the road approach seems to be, leave it in as long as you can telerate it, then have it out when the other options don't work anymore. I am sure that is most convenient for the doc. Unfortunately the inconvenience and discomfiort with that part of the body often turns into a near-hatred of that part of one's self-- a war. When docs capitalize on this (IMO) it's a war crime.

So love your uterus, and have a long chat with it (over time) in a loving fashion, like it was your aged, much-loved mum or auntie. See what it wants, and see what you can do to give that to it.
